Creative Comments License

This is the Blog ig by Mason Herron is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Blog 8

       The website creation assignment helped me learn how to use a programs interface to create websites. While doing this, I considered colors, as well as font choices and images. I specifically tried to use only three colors, those being red, black, and white. This combination of colors is one of my favorites. I liked that this assignments allowed me to be creative in considering ways to help students through website design, and I will certainly use what I've learned when designing a class website in the future. 

       I tend to never use ai tools because I think that they are too unreliable. They can at times provide inaccurate information, and so I try to keep away from them as much as possible. It seems a bit old fashioned of me, but I have a rather negative view of ai, not simply just because it's unreliable, but also because of moral implications. AI currently is the worst it will ever be, and as it improves, has the potential to replace seemingly ever job in the United States, possibly even the world. It could easily take every working class job and leave people destitute. I am all for technological progress, but the way AI threatens individuals autonomy and control over their own labor frightens me. 

     I find that AI tend to be pretty by the books. A consequence of making a machine that uses logic to predict the best outcome is that its own actions become predictable. Unless I know little about a subject, I can generally predict what a chatbot is going to say, as well as the language it tends to use. My view tends to not change on this matter, and I assume that AI would agree with me.

     I do think that AI tools can be productive if used properly. However, only with human oversight. Humans must watch over AI to check for mistakes and poor interpretation. This is how AI reaches its full potential, however as mentioned earlier, I am apprehensive to employ AI in everyday use.


  1. Hey, John! I found your website to be very creative, with a visually appealing color scheme. The only constructive criticism I have would be to select more high resolution pictures in the future, since the low quality of the photos may impact the perception of the website. Overall, however, you did a great job. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hey Mason,
    I thought your website was eye-catching and hilarious. The random stock images especially added to the charm of the website. Honestly, the only thing that could be fixed is that the white letters at the top cut off a little bit and that could affect the website's readability (although I'm not sure if that was intentional or not). Either way, you did a really good job.

  3. Hey Mason! I thought your website was really good! It was visually appealing and easy for me to find anything I needed. Really good job!


Blog 10

     I learned a lot from completing assignment 5. For this assignment, I created a geography trivia game similar to the game show Jeopardy....