Creative Comments License

This is the Blog ig by Mason Herron is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Blog 7

 The website of the Highschool I went to, Wakulla High, seems to have been updated recently. While there are not pages for individual classes, there are pages for clubs, as well as teachers. Some don't have a separate page, and just list the teachers name, as well as their contact info. There is also other general information on the school website, like pictures, senior info, and specific parent/student information. 

   I think that for education, I would likely not use as much tech as other teachers, simply because some student may not have access. However, we may use things like canvas or Microsoft word for assignments. I would also probably have to help my students learn how to research for a paper. Though these things may be simple, they are very important for a learning environment. 

    I liked how many options the groups feature in Canvas gives you. It allows for a lot of creativity and diversity in design. However, it isn't always the most clear on usability. This can greatly limit creativity, however, once you get the hang of it, it becomes pretty easy.

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Blog 10

     I learned a lot from completing assignment 5. For this assignment, I created a geography trivia game similar to the game show Jeopardy....