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This is the Blog ig by Mason Herron is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Blog 5

     Honestly, I don't think Twitter is the best tool for my PLN. It just feels to isolated to really function well for specific education purposes. Sure, you could make posts, retweet, comment, and use hashtags to find conversations, but this is all undercut by how twitter's algorithm handles engagement. Now, if you do not have a blue checkmark, is is extremely difficult to find your posts, and in order to have any sort of voice on Twitter you have to pay for Twitter Blue. I feel like other websites are not as lonely, and allow you to better converse with likeminded individuals. Plus their are various other problems with Twitter that I don't want to discuss in this blog related to the content of the website overall. 

    It is clear that the digital divide between students is a class issue. This means that students will not have the same resources or performance due to their socioeconomic background. This is clearly due to economic inequality, as well as the ways we fund different schools, specifically with relating to how Florida funds schools with local residents tax money. This all creates a lower and upper class among county school systems, which illustrates bigger systemic problems with society as a whole. For my classroom, I would address this by allowing time in class to access the internet, and reduce the amount of items that require specific technology.

    If I were ever to become a foreign language teacher, which is very much a possibility, I would have students use Duolingo for practice. Of course, this would make up a small portion of class activities, but Duolingo is a good way to solidify language and vocabulary, specifically with regards to writing. I would also use Microsoft Word, as if I became a history teacher, it is expected that students write at least one paper. I also think PowerPoint is a good addition, since its adds more elements than just words, and can spice up an otherwise boring activity. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I agree that Twitter is not the best source for someone's PLN.


Blog 10

     I learned a lot from completing assignment 5. For this assignment, I created a geography trivia game similar to the game show Jeopardy....