Creative Comments License

This is the Blog ig by Mason Herron is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Blog Post 1

            I am Mason, a 20 year old student at Florida State University currently studying history. Many people ask me "Mason, why did you choose FSU?" and I tell them, "I have no earthly idea". The truth is, I am from Tallahassee, and I only decided to apply for FSU because it was close. Well I guess even that isn't the full truth. I have wanted to go to FSU since middle school because I am a musician. I play piano, saxophone, and a little bit of drums and guitar as well. However, when time came to submit an audition, I got cold feet. I applied for the history program instead because I knew I had no chance at getting into FSU's school of music. So that's why I'm here really. Not the best reason isn't it?

           I guess I have used technology my whole life throughout school. Because of that, I would say I have relatively good computer literacy. Leon county often had kids use educational software to help students learn about reading and math, so starting in elementary school, I began using computers regularly. In middle school and high school, we still used computers for stuff like  presentations and research, and of course I used tech in my free time as well. Then when I got into college, almost of the assignments were due online, so I am on my computer frequently in order to complete classwork promptly.

        My learning resources are not very consistent, and usually just consist of me looking at various sites found through google. The only sites I consistently use are those like YouTube, Reddit, and different trustworthy news sites with differing political opinions. If I need any other information, I try searching on google to look for other websites. Forums can also be helpful for troubleshooting different problems, therefore, I sometimes use them as well. These are all groups that make up my PLN, and help me grow my knowledge on different subjects. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Mason! Thank you for sharing, I had fun reading your post and getting to know you a little bit. What year are you at FSU? Sophomore? Junior? It sounds like you're really passionate about playing instruments, maybe there's still time to audition for the music program if you feel up for it. You never know unless you try, right? Anyhow, I hope everything works out for you, whichever path you end up choosing.


Blog 10

     I learned a lot from completing assignment 5. For this assignment, I created a geography trivia game similar to the game show Jeopardy....